Saturday, August 16, 2014

Tourism in Morocco

Basic information 
-aasma: Rabat 
-almessahh: 710.850 sq km. 

-madn Chairperson: Casablanca, Fez, Marrakech, Meknes, Tangiers 
-allgh: Arabic (official), Berber, French, Spanish 
-alrmz The code: ma 
-add Population: 31,689,265 million. 
-day Independence: November 18, 1955 
-alkahraba: 110/220 volts 
-aleom National: July 30 - (holiday throne) 
-altoqat: Gmt 

- Currency: MAD = (0.094 dollars) and the dirham is equal to one hundred centimes. 
- Working hours: Monday to Friday from eight thirty in the morning to half past four in the afternoon. 
- Natural resources: phosphates, (Morocco is the first in the world in production), citrus fruits, fish, sardines, oils, dates, agriculture, livestock, coal mines, lead, iron, silver and copper. 

- Airports: Casablanca (nose, Mohammed V) Rabat, Salé, Tangier, Fez, Oujda, Al Hoceima, Marrakech, Agadir and Ouarzazate, the eyes. 
- Requirements for entry into the country: a valid passport, and the need to obtain a visa to enter through the embassies and consulates of Morocco in all parts of the world. But there are some countries can be assigned to its own nationals entry into Morocco without a visa prior to arrival. 
- Climate: the Moroccan coast is characterized by a Mediterranean climate with warm, and moderate somewhat on the east coast. The inland areas where the continental climate predominates hotter and drier, and in the south of the country atmosphere prevails hot and dry throughout most of the year, and is most of the night in the colder months of December and January, and the rains fall from November to March in coastal areas. The climate is mostly dry with high temperatures in the summer, the mountains Viswdha colder climate. 

Kingdom of Morocco is located in the northwest corner of the continent of Africa, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Spain is separated from the Strait of Gibraltar and has a common border with Algeria and Mauritania, which is located between latitudes 24 and 36 north and longitude between 2 and 11 west. 

Morocco has the characteristics of a variety of geographic, and the series ends Mountains adjacent to the desert plains. Morocco is more rain in the countries of North Africa, the Atlas Mountains and be based real water. Permeate the surface of the south numerous rivers including: Um spring, Bouregrag, and Sabu, and Tansvet, and Draa, most of which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. 

Tourism activity 

Saw the tourism sector in Morocco over the past few years, a remarkable development, and Morocco has become one of the main stations to attract international tourism. If this sector has been adopted entirely dependent on European tourists have turned attention remarkably towards the tourism market Arabh.utenba growing importance of Morocco as a tourist destination of choice among many of the amateur globetrotters to Agtinaúh natural wealth are so diverse so as to provide for people wishing to enjoy a broad base of options, Vahatth the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Atlantic Ocean to the west created a unique natural diversity. And one finds the Atlas Mountains and the coastal strip, moderate climate, and the desert areas in the south-eastern side by side in harmony gorgeous. This fact has provided the Moroccan tourism sector many of the most important advantages of the diversity of tourism such as tourism, coastal and mountain and desert, family and therapeutic, cultural and others. 

Tourism plays a key role in the project «Morocco in 2025», Valochgal associated with the workshop which is dubbed «Plan Azur» aimed to attract 10 million tourists in 2010 and placed under implementation. The strategy customized to attract domestic and foreign investment in this area began to bear fruit .. and targets within the «Plan Azur» betting on the expansion of the hotel sector and infrastructure and increase employment opportunities, and this plan, as a Tangier Med, for example, will achieve its goals by specific dates. Based on the revenue that exceeded the 41 billion dirhams in the year 2005, an increase of 18 percent compared with 2004. 

Phones are necessary 

Line International +212 
Code capital 37+ 
Delegation of Tourism Rabat Tel 730 562 
Airport Rabat Tel 808 090 
Casablanca airport phone 339100-022 
Fez airport phone 624800-055 
Airport Marrakech phone 447865-044 
Moroccan National Office of Tourism Rabat Tel 681 531 
Bank of Rabat, Morocco 702 626 
Police Telephone 19 
Fire Department Tel 15 
SOS phone 177 
Queries phone 16 
PTT phone 14 
O.m.m.t phone 271 177 
Taxi Radio Telephone 255 030

Kingdom of Morocco is rich in natural beauty, ranging from the shores of the ocean and marine towering mountains and desert filled Bamoriaat for eco-tourism has forged Morocco and established forest reserves and provided the elements of fishing and diving in the beaches of Morocco is characterized by natural purity and virginity (in terms of the exploitation of tourism) 

The Coast Rural always a source of living for many families in the region, so that fishing is a tradition that is widespread in the ranks of the rural population more than other regions. 
The visitor is not able to leave for Morocco without falling in passion, so did the writers, poets, artists, Jaha Troyha, Fajtarōha residence .. and coolness and peace. 

In Morocco mingle magic atmosphere exoticism games conjuring tricks Marrakchi and fragrant civilizations Unitarian and stationed and Idrisid who break into one in every spot of the country lying between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, blending Arab Balawrbeh and African as well, and that gave the Tariq ibn Ziyad his back to the sea and then stormed. 
Title of that country, which fused the different cultures, and formed the privacy of her amazing proportions Arab Maghreb Berber and Andalusian Mediterranean or global Aaketbh history and writes alone, but also present.

Religious and historical tourism 

From northern Morocco to the south a distance of 3500 km Ttrassa map Moroccan treasures of the historic cities of ancient civilizations that tells Zahara Narj forth in the following lines:

Bases stationed DC current to Morocco in the mid-twelfth century, has built a Abdelmoumen "Ribat al-Fath," which is the nucleus of a fortified city included in addition to the castle, a mosque and houses for succession, and is a grandson Jacob Mansour, the real founder of the city of Rabat. 
Hassan mosque 
The Mosque of Hassan of the outstanding achievements of art Almohad at the height of its prosperity, and must also raise the profile of the ruins of the mosque Hassan huge stretches over an area of ​​two hectares and a half, has remained the mosque without fully accomplished, and the minaret famous is still a living witness to the larger project of urban done by Unitarians. 
The Rabat cultural capital, is also a city of museums, Vtv Ouadhias place in a building dating to the seventeenth century and was recently restored, displays artifacts different from ceramics and jewelery and traditional clothing, embroideries, carpets, astrolabes and some manuscripts from the era of uniform, either on the shore of the river is located the Museum of Popular Arts Complex versus traditional industries, where it can be hoped craftsmen during their work. 

Old City 

The door "Alruah" the most beautiful five-door that allows access to the ligament when you visit the Archaeological Museum is surprising strong in front of this surprise, Morocco tells the long history of this museum, since the prehistoric age and passing civilizations before Romania and Romania, to the Islamic period Zahira . 

Stubble Ouadhias 

It was a rod Ouadhias headquarters for many of the events, the headquarters of the tribe Ouadhias mandated by Moulay Ismail to defend the city against pirates, the headquarters of the Jacob Mansour and Abdul Momin Almohad who built the mosque "antique" about the year 1150 and is the oldest mosque in Rabat.


Built the city of Marrakech in 1071-1072 and was the capital of the state, then the state Almoravid Almohad. The city has a huge number of ancient historical monuments: the walls and doors, and the minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque which amounts to 77 meters of altitude, Saadian tombs, as well as the old traditional houses 

Jemaa El Fna Square 
The symbol of the city, proud of vitality and attractiveness of each of them over the travelers. 
El Fna Square is the heart of Marrakech, where they found the center of the city of pilgrimage to residents and visitors, and they use a place for meetings. And where there are the narrators of folk tales, and acrobats, musicians, dancers, models, and animals and Achmat henna. 


Archaeological discoveries have proved the existence of the remains of man dating back to about 700 000 a year as the site «quarries Thoma» South Casablanca and Sidi Abdul Rahman site where I discovered a series of caves containing stone tools and the remains of human and animal. 

Old City

The old city, was about a group fences surround the ancient city of Casablanca has not left them only part limits the coast kilometer city center. Demolish part of it after the 1755 earthquake. 
Old Town Family, located along the beach, including the most ancient monuments in the city. 
Alguenaslh neighborhood who were located by foreign powers, the center of the city, known as a massive influx of Europeans in the nineteenth century as a result of the popularity of the commercial boom in the city, was built by the Franciscan Church Bznqh Tangier in 1891. 

Hassan II Mosque 

Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, a religious teacher and unique architecture, built above the water; dazzle the beholder built towering and thoroughly engineered, which excelled in the elite accomplished engineers and innovators in various professions trendy and traditional crafts and authentic Moroccan mosque houses

Fez old

Consists of Fez old from two «enemies», in the year 818 AH settled on the right bank of the Wadi Fez hundreds of Muslim families displaced from Andalusia and stalking by the crusader armies, and was named Bth Andalusia, and seven years later, replaced 300 families Qervanih on the other side, called the Bth Kairouan. 

Collector villagers

Bani collector villagers institute of science by the universities of Oxford and the Sorbonne, and remains to this day one of the main centers of cultural radiation Maghreb. Library contains 30 thousand volumes, and by the Koran dating back to the ninth century AD, this mosque was built 857 years AD was expanded year 1317 AD. 


Tangier, Morocco Gate, located at the crossroads between Europe and Africa, Forum Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea 
Described as a dove on the shoulder of Africa. Founded by "Tnges" in the fourth century BC, which fought the Carthaginians, Romans and Phoenicians and the Vandals and the Spanish and Portuguese and the British. 
Here is a big market, overseen by the lighthouse decorated with multicolored mosaic mosque sir pooped, and there stored Palace House, built in the 17th century AD, Bakbabh marble décor and decorated with mosaics which today is home to the Museum of Moroccan Arts antique and modern. 
And to the northwest, just twelve kilometers from Tangier, hugging the Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea, where sea waves continue to dig a cave diggers Hercules and from there look for the effects of Romania pools. 


Constructed in the tenth century by atheist stationed as a military institution. After it became the capital of the country during the reign of Moulay Ismail (1672-1727), founder of the upper state, which has made the city a distinct character Aspain- Moreschi surrounded by high walls punctuated by great doors represent a harmonious blend combines the features of Islamic architecture and European architecture in the Maghreb during a century </ SPAN> the seventeenth.


Adheres to the countryside Tetouan, a city dotted with greenery and white where the two cultures converge Moroccan, Andalusian, a stronghold of fascinating museums and various cultural institutions, and is the smallest of Tetouan old Moroccan cities and antique completed.


Is a unique model for the cities of the seventeenth century fortified ancient city constructed in accordance with the foundations of European military engineering for that era. Since its inception and was considered an international trading port linking Morocco and the Sahara to Europe. 


Larache famous location "Lexus". It is said that Hercules picking the golden apple, this was accomplished atheist century. 
The effects are most manifestation of the temple, theater, Castle and bathrooms. 
Along the West Atlantic City looks small "integral" to the after forty kilometers from Tangier, like a nap behind the doors in the blue, green and yellow, it has successively by several foreign countries. 
The "authentic" Roman, Spanish and Portuguese offers today silos castles and picnics on the quiet side of the sea, and restaurants known Basmkha fried.

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